Here’s the easiest way to create your own glass cleaner at home!

One of the most important parts of the car is the windscreen, as the driver’s vision is highly dependent on it. It must be kept clean from any dirt and smudges at all times so the driver won’t be distracted while taking on the road. Since it is made of clear glass, any bit of dirt or wax can be easily seen, even from a distance. Some dirt can be easily removed by simply wiping it off, while there are instances of a hard build-up of dirt that requires glass cleaning solutions. However, some cleaning solutions commercially available may be too pricey for some folks. As an economic alternative, here’s a quick and cheap do-it-yourself glass cleaning solution which you can use in keeping your car windscreensqueaky clean. 




Since it is homemade, you can find the different ingredients for this cleaning solution from all corners of your house. You will need a cup of distilled water, 2 tablespoons of distilled white vinegar, 1 cup of isoprophyl alcohol, and a plastic spray bottle. Pour the water, isoprophyl alcohol, and vinegar in that particular order into the spray bottle. Then shake well until the liquids are well mixed. Always remember that you have to shake the mixture before every use since these liquids might separate when left sitting for a while. Then, spray on to the stained surface of your windscreen 


What’s good about this DIY cleaning solution is its quick drying factor that will help prevent water drips on your dashboard. The homemade cleaning mixture can also be used to maintain the crystal clear surface of the entire windscreen. It is also highly recommended that you use microfiber cloths as you clean your windscreen, as it helps shine the glass and it can leave it spotless after every wash.


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